Discover All There is to Love About Leonardtown Valentine's Day Features:
Discover All There is to Love About Leonardtown Valentine's Day Features:

Many couples or event planners have similar questions when it comes to requesting the use of any of LEONARDTOWN's outdoor venues for a private party or special event. Here are the most frequent questions we receive. If you have additional questions after reviewing the info below, please contact Aris Nazarova at aris.nazarova@leonardtownmd.gov.
Q. How much is it to rent an outdoor space in leonardtown?
A. The rental fee is based on the number of guests you are expecting for your event - $75 for 75 guests or below, or $150 for above75 guests.
Q. What does the reservation include?
A. The reservation secures the use of the space for your event and it ensures that we won't rent the space for another event during your reserved time. The reservation also includes the use of the amenities (the restrooms, parking, electricity, etc.).
Q. Does the Town Provide equipment?
A. Unfortunately, the town doesn't currently rent equipment. You would need to contact rental companies to rent equipment like tables, chairs, tents, etc. for your event. Please note that this is one factor in why the reservation fee for the town's venues are so low.
Q. Can we reserve the venue for the full day for event setup?
A. Yes. We advise a minimum of one hour before your event and one hour after for setup and then cleanup (this is usually sufficient for smaller weddings), however, you're welcome to request the full day if you are having a larger wedding with an extensive setup.
Q. Do we have to apply to the alcohol board to serve alcohol?
A. The Town's Event Application provides a place to apply to serve alcohol at your event. You don't need to apply to the alcohol board to serve alcohol at your event. You would only need to apply through the alcohol board if you will be selling alcohol at your event.