Discover All There is to Love About Leonardtown Valentine's Day Features:
Discover All There is to Love About Leonardtown Valentine's Day Features:

Christmas On The Square
The holiday season begins in Leonardtown when Santa arrives for Christmas on the Square & the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in the Town Square on Friday, November 29, 2024. The festivities begin at 4:30 PM with holiday music, entertainment, sleigh rides, train rides, hayrides, live nativity, balloon art, face painting, children's crafts, hot drinks, food, holiday treats and other fun activities! This beloved annual event is FREE and open to the public. Please find parking, road closure and more details below. For further information contact: Aris Nazarova at aris.nazarova@leonardtownmd.gov or 301-475-9791.
Closures and Restrictions:
Downtown Leonardtown Square – including Washington Street and Fenwick Street – will be closed to through traffic and parking from 1:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Courthouse Drive, Guyther Drive, Camalier Drive, and portions of Park Avenue, Shadrick Street, Pope Street, and Church Street will also have extremely restricted access before and during the event.
Residents living around Tudor Hall should enter Town via Lawrence Avenue to access their neighborhood, as access to Courthouse Drive will be restricted.
Parking can be found at St. Mary’s Ryken High School, the Blackbelt Academy lot on Gregory Drive, and the grass lots on either side of Courthouse Drive near Fenwick Street. Please Note: These lots DO NOT have a Shuttle Service, and you must walk into Town. Spectators are encouraged to park at the auxiliary lots at CSM, the Governmental Center or the Leonardtown Library/Garvey Senior Center Lots.
Spectators are encouraged to park at the auxiliary lots noted above and take advantage of the free shuttle bus service which picks up/drops off at CSM, the Governmental Center, the Leonardtown Library/Garvey Senior Center and picks up/drops off at St. Aloysius Church Parking Lot in Downtown Leonardtown. The shuttles run from 4:15 pm - 9 pm.
CSM Shuttle Stop: The Shuttle Stop is placed at the back of the CSM Campus. Look for a red "Shuttle Pick Up Sign".
Governmental Center Shuttle Stop: (Entering from Baldrige Dr.) Enter and continue straight, turn left on Leonard Hall Rd., shuttle stop is across from the Carter Building. Look for a red "Shuttle Pick Up Sign" (Entering from Leonard Hall Drive). Enter and follow the road as it veers right. The shuttle stop is across from the Carter Building. Look for a red "Shuttle Pick Up Sign".
Leonardtown Library / Garvey Senior Center: From Hollywood Rd, turn onto Leonard's Grant Pkwy. Take the first right onto Hayden Farm Ln. Shuttle pick up spot is in the front of the building.
Handicap parking is available in Town at the Mattingley Gardiner Funeral Home parking lot on the corner of Fenwick St. and Lawrence Ave. and in the public lot next to the Hair Company on Washington Street (enter on Lawrence Ave and you will be directed to turn on Shadrick Street to access this parking lot. Once these lots are full, spectators will be directed to park in one of the auxiliary lots noted.
For cars to exit Town efficiently and safely after Santa’s arrival, the fire truck rides will be shutting down completely at 6:45 PM. Please plan accordingly.
For event safety, spectators are asked to obey all posted No Parking and Reserved Parking signs as well as police and volunteer instructions.
Note: there is no rain date for this event. In the event of inclement weather, a decision will be made as to whether the event will need to be cancelled by 9 a.m. on Friday, November 29, 2024. The decision will be announced on on this page and the Town of Leonardtown Facebook Page.
Christmas on the Square is sponsored by the Commissioners of Leonardtown, the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department, and the Leonardtown Business Association.
Applications for vendor space is now CLOSED. The Vendor Application Deadline is November 1, 2024. In addition to literature, raffles, and fundraisers, we prefer non-profits and exhibitors to have an interactive display (game, free giveaway, children’s activity, etc.) that adds value to the event and helps draw people to their display.
Vendors should have items for sale that would appeal directly to families with small children or otherwise pertain to the Christmas theme – particularly holiday traditions, charitable giving, religious observances, gift-giving and holiday décor and clothing.
Space will be assigned to vendors and exhibitors as available. Each space is approximately 10’ X 12’. Larger units, such as a tent or van, may require additional space(s) – please indicate your need for any additional spaces on the Application form. The Space fee is $45 per space; plus $25 per space if electricity is needed (electricity is very limited). Please note that there are a limited number of spaces available with electricity (110 v.). Fees are non-refundable.